I would like to take this opportunity to welcome to the (digital) world Simon! Simon was born yesterday morning at 9:24 local time. Weighing 8lbs 4oz and was 20 inches long! 

We have a proud Dad over here people. Leave a comment and check out the Twitter and Facebook feeds for more updates and photos! 


A poem by Claire.

The other morning I awoke as I often do on Saturdays. To Claire snuggling up in our bed, talking about something. This particular morning she was trying her hand at rhyming words. She eventually came up with a cute little poem that she was repeating over and over. For your reading pleasure here is that poem.

Go, snow! 

Like leaves on trees…

Please leave a comment in the section below. And be sure to check us out on Twitter and Facebook

Bump Watch 2015…The Final Countdown

i don’t know about you, but as I wrote that title I read the words “Final Countdown” in the singing voice from the song “The Final Countdown.”

We are in week 38 now. Baby is in position, and all the processes have been started. Now…we wait. It is remarkable to think that the only thing we are waiting on is for Simon to decide he is ready to join the world. Amanda has likened it to Purgatory. 

I can’t wait to meet the little man. I’ll be sure to share on the DadtheGeek  Facebook and Twitter.

Don’t firget to leave a comment below and let me know your baby stories. 

Bump Watch…coming to an end!!

So Amanda had a doctor’s appointment and was basically told that she could now go into labor any time now. Basically at 35 weeks her body has already started the process for birth! This is crazy and terrifying, at least to me. Claire was born after only 4 hours of labor. Luck us I know, but the doctor said that on average the second labor is 1/2 the time of the first. This barely leaves us enough time to get to the hospital! The doctor predicts that the baby will be born on the side of the road. He even went so far as to tell me how to tie and cut the cord…just in case.

So basically we have been raised to DEFCON 3. All hands to battlestations!!!