Oh Sleep, where art thou!

I mentioned in a previous post that after having my second child I have become a person who drinks 2 cups of coffee I the morning. After some discussion with my wife, I have come to the conclusion that how much coffee you drink is directly proportional to the number of children that you have. Looking back to my childhood, this conclusion seems to be confirmed. My parents would be functional after one cup, then be themselves after two (and there were two kids in the house).

The wife and I are settling into our nighttime routine pretty well. We both wake up in order to tackle the beginning stages of the feeding together, then one of us gets to go back to sleep. Being a math person though, Did some calculations. Amanda and I have not had a span of sleep last longer than 3 and 1/2 hours for a month…and there is only more days to come. Which makes me ask the question, “Oh sleep, where art thou?”

Having a new baby is fantastic. Claire is handling herself very well in all of her new “big sister” duties. I also couldn’t ask for a better baby in Simon. He is now (for the most part) on a schedule with feeding, pooping, and sleeping. The odd thing is to think of us now as suddenly a family of 4.

Be sure to stay tuned here an checkout my Facebook and Twitter. Also please post any ways you have for dealing with sleep deprivation in the comments section! I would love to try some of them out. If I get enough, I’ll record myself trying them, and post the video!

For Prospective Father’s of Two…Baby Update

Three weeks ago I became a father…again. Without giving up too much, Simon came into our lives incredibly quickly. There were much less complications then there was when we had Claire. 

After an extra day in the hospital, everyone is home and doing well. Simon is eating well, sleeping well, and pooping well, about as many activities a newborn can handle.


 So since we have been home for awhile, let’s address some of the issues. Some people say that when you have two children, it is double the work, while others say that it is simply not true. To be completely honest, I don’t think it is actually double the work, but I don’t remember being this exhausted the last time around. I have also gone from a one cup person, to a two cup person (of coffee) in the morning. 

I was also worried that we would see some behavior backsliding from our oldest. I was worried that she would start acting up in order to pull our attention from Simon to her. Luckily there has not been any more outbursts then the normal ones.

I have come out of this experience with a renewed respect for my wife. She went through childbirth without an epidural…not by choice. The short version of this story is that she progressed so quickly that by the time the epidural was set and had begun to deliver the medicine, Simon was two pushes away. 

I want to say thank you for all of the well wishes from friends and family. Please leave a comment below or find me on Facebook and Twitter.

Need Father’s Day ideas…think Fifth SunĀ 

So a few weeks ago I was contacted by a company to do a review. That company was Fifth Sun which is an apparel company that has a large amount of licenses. 

Let me start out by saying that first, this is the first time that I have reviewed a company that has asked for a review. Second, please read this completely through so that you read the entire story. 

So after I was approached and told to pick a shirt, I set off to attempt to do exactly that. Let me tell you, Fifth Sun has a bunch of licenses, so you will have no problem finding a brand that your Geek Dad is a fan of. The problem comes with the next step, finding a design that you like. I narrowed my search to the Star Wars selection…and found that they literally have over 1,000 shirts which have a Star Wars design. 

After making a selection and ordering I rather unpatiently awaited the arrival of my shirt. When it arrived however I was a little confused. I had ordered a large men’s shirt, however I received a small woman’s tank top, which said “Let’s get Physical!”

I quickly got on the phone to call customer service. They quickly remedied the situation, by ordering the correct shirt and even allowed me to keep the tank top to pass off to someone else. 

After the reorder I got the correct shirt, and I have to say that it is fantastic. It is very comfortable, and I love the graphic. I would definitely order from them again.

So to conclude, a crazy large selection, super helpful customer service, and a comfortable product. I give Fifth Sun four and a half geeky glasses out of five. (The only reason for the half off is because of the initial slip up in the order). Please send them your business this Father’s Day and let them know you heard about them from Dad the Geek. 

Also be sure to stay tuned to the Facebook and Twitter feeds.